Sunday, March 20, 2011

Park at PSN 7 March 2011

Monday 930am
An usual routine to the PSN library ended with a fun-fillled day at the new enormous outdoor park. The kids are crazy with this huge space to run about. In the coming trips, we need to go really early as there are no big shady trees around and thus it can be really hot. 
The kids roamed through the long slide.

Take a look at it. Such great fun for the kids.

At the end of the slide, you reach the water play area.

some part of the metal plank submerged in the water. See how En avoided the water! Hui followed suit. After that, they didn't bother about getting wet, and just ran through it.

crossing the floating flat pieces. I fell into the water on this one!

After the water park, we went to the Garden of Nature which is also located outdoor. Beside the butterfly and moth, there are snails, milipedes, giant stick insect, rabbits, land turtles, fish, tadpoles etc etc.

Moth cocoon. There are some with tiny holes in it. It takes 4-5 weeks to mature.

The staff took out some rabbits and the kids have fun petting them.

Inside the Science lab at Garden of Nature. Different butterfly caterpillars munch on different type of leaves. Moth caterpillars are not fussy as they eat any kind of leaves.

I asked for some snail eggs to bring back home. Hopefully this batch of eggs hatch successfully.

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