Thursday, September 3, 2015

Exploring and cycling at Banda Kaba, Melaka 23 August 2015

The children cycled while I walked, marvelling at the unique structures of the homes and life at Banda Kaba. 
There is a praying altar on the ground, at the left side of this house. The little door of the altar is closed in the day. At night, the door opened, revealing what is shown on the photo below. 

We have not seen anything like this before! Interesting!

Dear hubby had a small talk with a local resident. He said he learnt a great deal from this man. 

En cycled at the narrow alley of the neighbourhood.

Most of the roofs have triangular pointy shape. 

Melaka traditional kampung house seems to have stone stairs covered with multi-colour tiles. 

The owner of this home, a friendly woman whom I spoke to, said she has been living here since she was a kid. She doesn't want to move as this area is very convenient as compare to the new housing area.  The kampung house was extended to the back and at the bottom as well. 

The kids experienced my type of playground, what I played as a kid. She said "Sliding down the hard wooden slide was painful !" 

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