Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A night in the theatre 21 June 2010

Monday bedtime.
 "I still need to play in my study room".  "I like you to take the water for me". "Watch me watch me". "I want to eat in my tree house". "Sing hush hush" .

Tonight's scene reminded me of  How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk and I was able to end the night with my sanity intact.

An excerpt from the book:
Anyday with the children was like a night in the theatre. Any of these crises could generate enough tears and passion for a three-act drama. We never lacked of material. The only difference is that in the theatre the curtain falls and the audience can go home.Parents don't have that luxury. Somehow we have to deal with all the hurt, anger, frustration and still retain our sanity.

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