Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Energy Month@ Pusat Sains Negara 13 Sept 2010

Monday 9am
It was an usual library trip to PSN but it turned out to be more than that.
H2O2 + detergent + salt 

The auditorium @3rd floor is much better looking than the lobby stage.  When I saw the opened door auditorium with two staffs inside, I asked if they could put up some experiments.You know what, they are so kind to oblige and gave us a 30minutes shows at an odd hour, 1035am. I thanked them profusely ! 

 Before it started, I said "Hot air rises up ...." and before I could finish the sentence, En flapped her arms, pretending to fly like a bird while saying "yeah, like raptor flaps its wing and hot air pushes it up." wowo

A simple rocket launcher. Pumping a 1/4 water filled bottle with a bicycle pump and sent it flying up and away.   Right- a whispering dish just outside the parabolic dome.

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